0541 515 1920 | iletisim@tkh.org.tr

A Letter to KKE about the Internal Issues of TKP
A Letter to KKE about the Internal Issues of TKP
A Letter to KKE about the Internal Issues of TKP
Comrades, It is to common knowledge that the Communist Party of Turkey has split first into two and later into three separate parties after going through internal controversy starting in 2014. It has to be noted that we consider the attitude of the Communist Party of Greece, both during the mentioned controversies in 2014 and in a meeting at the same venue 2 years ago which is repeated later on April 17th 2016, exerting the position of KKE as a party to one side in these disputes as, inappropriate, improper and incorrect. These controversies, which the Communist Party of Greece has denied to hear from other parties and has apparently approached under the influence of personal relations, are internal problems of the Communist Party of Turkey. Although the relations between communist parties of different countries should be based on an internationalist and comradely manner, as the Communist Movement (Party) of Turkey, we would like to inform the Communist Party of Greece that we disapprove your eminently eager attitude in intervening the internal problems of the Communist Party of Turkey. Obviously, each communist party is free to determine which parties they will establish relationships with as well as the level of these relations. Moreover, there is no doubt that each communist party may be criticized within an internationalist and comradely frame. However, the attitude of the Communist Party of Greece that does not go beyond labeling, instead of developing a political critique, can never be the approach of communists. We have no hesitation to continue to respond and debate all political critiques through appropriate media as we have done until now. On the other hand, we consider that our primary duty is urging the proletariat of Turkey to stand up and leading our struggle for the victory of the socialist power. Apart from this, although we do not consider it to be an essential source of our political struggle, we will never tolerate or allow a black propaganda against our Party, the Communist Movement (Party) of Turkey, through some accusations that do not have any ground and are completely fallacious. The Communist Party of Turkey is not owned by any person or group, but is solely the leading party of proletariat and communists of Turkey. The sole cause of our party is to procure the achievement of the Socialist Revolution of Turkey. The union of the communists of Turkey will certainly be realized and our Party, the Communist Movement (Party) of Turkey, with our cadres and members are going to achieve the foundation of the Communist Party of Turkey. However, until this objective is met, the Communist Party of Turkey shall never be a tool for the ambitions and greed of individuals or groups and the re-foundation of the Communist Party of Turkey will never be the result of some lobbying activities, backdoor bargainings or outside interventions built upon personal relations. From the beginning of the controveries within the Communist Party of Turkey, we as the Communist Movement (Party) of Turkey with the cadres have adopted an attitude and debated accordingly to absolutely prioritize, above all, the unity of the party, ideological and political clarity and the means of organizing the proletariat. Our Party and our cadres that have struggled since 2014 and will continue to struggle, without abstaining to maintain a consistent and capable debate, against any kind of mentality that impose the split of the Communist Party of Turkey, define politics through establishing relations with various bourgeois parties, implement politics with projects and slogans of self-styled personal values instead of organizing, accumulating and perpetuating the power of the proletariat and place selfish personal expectations and positions above the interests of the proletariat. Our Party does not have an expectance for an approval, permission or an authorization in continuing this approach. History will certainly reveal who is right. Nevertheless, the Communist Party of Greece beyond dispute, should not be a part of these controversies in a manner that is manipulated from one side and without possessing all details of these conroversies. In this context, we emphasize again that the sole duty of every communist party is the struggle for the socialist power against the bourgeoisie in their respective countries. We remind the Communist Party of Greece, which we see as our comrades apart from our mutual relations, shall refrain from intervening in internal affairs and controversy of the Communist Party of Turkey. Wishing for comradely relations, Communist Movement (Party) of Turkey Central Committee